After a few years of being quiet on the book front, I'm delighted to say I have a new book out!
Click Cathy Le Feuvre - Amazon Author Central for the run-down on Amazon - since 2013 I've had a few books published with several publishers. Here they are!
'The Gift of Kindness' - Debbie Duncan & Cathy Le Feuvre (Authentic Media 2022)
The Covid global pandemic was dreadful, I'm sure you'll agree. But one of the positives that came out of this time, and the lockdowns we all lived through, was that this time seemed to bring out the best in us and we saw amazing kindness.
This was part of the inspiration for 'The Gift of Kindness - The Transforming Power of being kind' which I wrote with my friend and writing colleague Debbie Duncan in 2021, as we were living through lockdowns.
In the book, which was published in August 2022 by Authentic Media, Debbie and I share why kindness is not just for a pandemic and times of 'crisis' but for life.
‘If we can be a little kinder each day what would our society look like?’
Acts of kindness have the potential to make the world a happier place. If someone is kind to you it can boost your confidence or increase your happiness. But kindness cannot be faked. It is much deeper than just ‘being nice’. To have real impact, kindness needs to become a lifestyle choice. We need to actively choose to be kind every day if we want our lives to mirror the qualities of Jesus.
The Gift of Kindness interweaves biblical and scientific insights with real life stories and pointers for practical life application. Debbie and I explore what kindness really is and how it has the power to transform us and others.
‘Kindness should be a lifestyle. It is not just a seasonal trend. It should be a daily choice.’
Yes, kindness had something of a resurgence in the pandemic. We saw a spontaneous outbreak of kindness: neighbours helping others with shopping, clapping for carers, and other acts of kindness that even made the news. Perhaps it became a coping mechanism, serving as an outlet for our emotions and energies to help us with the shrinking world we suddenly found ourselves in.
But Debbie and I are keen that this kindness resurgence shouldn’t be something that gets lost as life gets back to 'normal'. Neither should it be reduced to a nice, fluffy thing ... as I say, to follow Jesus’ example is actually counter-cultural, and even costly, as it may mean standing up for those who have no voice of their own, or championing causes that are not popular among our peers.
The 'blurb' for book says it better than I can:
Both thought-provoking and practical, The Gift of Kindness encourages us to actively develop a spirit of kindness in our own lives that has the power to bless both ourselves and others. Calling it a ‘tardis’ word, ‘kind’ might be a small word, but it packs a mighty punch!
‘A celebration of kindness: challenging, inspiring, and if we grasp its message – transformational.’ Rob Parsons
We've thrilled to have had lots of interest and have done quite a lot of media including interviews.
Click here for one interview we did which will tell you more about the book and Debbie and myself.
It's available in lots of bookshops and, of course, online ... including Amazon....
'The Armstrong Girl - a child for sale: the battle against the Victorian sex trade'
This book was published by Lion books (Lion Hudson) in 2015.
In 1885 Victorian England was scandalized by a high profile court case that lifted the veil on prostitution and the sex trade.
In the Old Bailey dock in London stood W.T. Stead, the editor of the Pall Mall Gazette, which had recently published a series of articles on the sex trade; Rebecca Jarrett, a reformed brothel keeper; and the second-in-command of The Salvation Army, Bramwell Booth. They were accused of abducting a 13-year-old girl, Eliza Armstrong, apparently buying her for the purpose of prostitution.
In fact they had done this as a sensational exposé of the trade in young girls. The scandal triggered not just the court case, but also a massive petition and ultimately resulted in the raising of the British age of consent from 13 to 16, where it still stands today.
'The Armstrong Girl' is their story and is a thrilling account of what can be achieved by those brave enough to believe that change is not only possible but has to come.
To discover more go to the Lion Hudson website
'William and Catherine - the love story of the founders of The Salvation Army told through their letters' was published by Monarch books(Lion Hudson) in 2013.
It's the story of the couple who created the worldwide international Christian movement which this year, 2015, celebrates it's 150th anniversary.
But the story began in 1852, when William Booth met Catherine Mumford. Throughout their life William and Catherine, when apart, exchanged letters and notes expressing not only their deep love but also a lasting friendship and mutual respect which would survive the challenges of separation, ill health, the struggle of raising a large family, opposition, disappointment and professional uncertainty. The letters, spanning nearly 40 years, reveal both the everyday minutiae of life in Victorian times, and the challenges of being revolutionary Christian thinkers in the second half of the 19th century. Out of their love sprang a new and radical international Christian movement and charity organisation, The Salvation Army, which over the years has changed the lives of millions of people across the world.
To discover more go to the Lion Hudson website
'Life Lines' is a story of two friends sharing laughter, challenges and cupcakes. It was co-written with my friend Debbie Duncan and was published by Authentic Media in 2014.
It's the fictional story of Esther and Louise, two women who support each other in their everyday walking around lives, sharing the good times and the bad, the experiences that make their hearts soar, and the moments when they feel they are living on different planets to those around them.
This story vibrates in the real world we all live in, looks at the ridiculous things that happen in life and church and the prejudices which naturally occur in Christian community, as in other areas of life. It's a powerful portrayal of friendship forged in the tough times as well as the good, that prods and pokes but most importantly pushes the characters closer to the God they love.
There's more about 'Life Lines' at the Authentic Media website
"Embedded in this wry, witty and revealingly frank correspondence is many a buried gem of wisdom on the basic, gritty issues of life that make us laugh and make us cry, and that we survive by sharing."
(Michele Guinness, author and speaker.)
'A Girl with a Mind of her Own' is a biography of retired international Salvation Army leader, Commissioner Gisele Gowans. It was published by Shield Books / The Salvation Army UK and ROI in early 2015. This is available directly from The Salvation Army and on Kindle via Amazon
In common with my other books, it's even available on kindle
Buy the Book
If you would like a signed copy of any of my books, please email me at [email protected] with your request.
Purchasing a copy direct from me will cost the full cover price (The Gift of Kindness £9.99 each, William and Catherine and The Armstrong Girl £9.99 each / Life Lines £7.99 plus postage and packaging costs, depending on where in the world I need to send the book. Happy to help! Thanks!