It's a lovely time, isn't it? Some would say the 'Most Wonderful Time of the Year'.
How much fun to be had, family to be surrounded by, presents to be unwrapped, food to be consumed, songs to be sung very loudly, alcohol to be consumed in vast quantities.
It's part of our culture, at least for many in the 'modern', 'western' and developed and entitled world where Christmas is often seen just as a time for partying, excess and overindulgence. Yes, a time for getting together with family, which is important, but also for giving in to the commercial pressures of ... oh ... so ... many needs and wants.
I'm not going to talk here about the over commercialisation of the season ... numerous people cleverer than I have spent many words doing that before me.
But I am going to address the 'elephant in the room' ... something which isn't new but which has become uppermost in my mind in the past weeks.
Let me explain.
A friend of mine who does PR and communications, especially on behalf of Christian organizations and charities, posted something in the run up to this festive season which really challenged me ….
He wrote …
‘Spoken to a journalist in the last hour: I asked who their main Christian guest was this year. The journalist said no-one - we are doing Christmas differently this year!
I'm sure Christmas starts with Christ...’
“We are doing Christmas differently this year’!!
As my friend points out … it’s in the name!
‘Christ mas’ …
Of course, it saddens me that there are journalists out there who, when thinking of their Christmas coverage, decide to ignore the reason we celebrate in the first place! It's not surprising, I guess, given the culture we live in ... but it shows just how far removed that culture has become from the 'real' Christmas. And how much the commercialisation and myths of the 'happy Christmas time' have increasingly shaped our perception of this mid winter festival.
This also reminds me that, without being too heavy handed, us Christian folk … the people who follow and believe in the Christ whose birth we celebrate at Christmastime … need to gently remind people that it’s more than drinking, eating, tinsel and pressies, or even all the wonderful charitable kindnesses that happen especially at this time!
All this put me in mind of a poem I wrote some years ago … it has featured in a couple of BBC local carol services when I needed a poem - if I can’t find the words I need, I’ll write them myself.
But here …as we move through this Christmas season … I share it with you my friends… and pray that in all the partying and stuff we choose to surround ourselves, we may all take some time to remember the Reason for the Season!
Christmas Blessings on you all!