Peace at Christmas
Dec 24, 2021
Christmas Eve can be a strange day.
For some, it's the final day before the Christmas break from work. For others, it's a busy day finishing the Christmas shopping and completing all the wrapping of the gifts. For many it's a day of preparation for tomorrow - Christmas Day - perhaps starting to prepare some of the food which will be served tomorrow.
Last year, with the COVID-19 lockdown and restrictions, Christmas was different for many of us, not able to mix with even our closest family. For some it was a lonely day because they had to be on their own. It was very peculiar because we couldn't enjoy our usual 'traditions' and although, for me, it was a good day with my mum and brother, it was quieter than usual.
This year, although coronavirus numbers are rising and things are still uncertain, our family are planning a more sociable Christmas. I'm really looking forward to spending the day with my loved ones and seeing their faces as they open their gifts, and hearing the excitement of the children. And, as always, I'll enjoy the rest and quiet at the end of the day when I'm back home and putting my feet up.
But let's not remember that, virus or not, there are always people who are alone and lonely on Christmas ... it's not a 'wonderful time of the year' for everybody. And I certainly don't take my family Christmas for granted, and I'm very grateful for the love I will be surrounded by tomorrow and over the festive season.
So today as we prepare for Christmas, and whatever you're up to and wherever you are - let me share this thought with you.
This is actually a 'decoration' which is on my bookshelf at home and throughout the Christmas season I reflect on it every day. And it is my wish for us all this Christmas Eve.
Whatever you're doing, however busy this day may be, however frantic ... or however lonely.
I wish you peace!
The peace of the Christ Child, Jesus, whose birth we celebrate at Christmas ... be with us all!