A Prayer for the New Year

And finally ... Happy New Year!

Well ... I've made it!

On January 1st this year I put fingers to keyboard and started this blog, and committed to writing something for every day of 2021 ... just One Day at a Time.

And now I've reached my final destination - December 31st 2021!

I can hardly believe it! WOW!

As I explained yesterday, and probably ad nauseum across the year (sorry!), I decided to do this because I wanted to ensure I wrote something creative every day.

At the time I was working full time as a producer/presenter for a local BBC radio station in Jersey in the Channel Islands, which meant I was constantly writing stuff like scripts and reports, but that isn't entirely 'creative'.

I write things for myself most days ... notes, little bits of poems and prose, anything that comes into my head, a diary entry, a prayer - but this year I wanted to do something a bit more constructive and intentional. And writing a blog is different. It means putting a bit of myself into the writing, sharing myself a little ... not something I generally tend to do too much. Putting oneself out there is always a bit of a risk, and I didn't want to seem self-indulgent ... but I have found it quite cathartic, especially given the year I have had.

When I began this blog, I had no idea how 2021 was going to pan out for me. In the run-up to January life was still in coronavirus lockdown (the third one here) and I wanted to create something for myself.

In the first three months, I juggled working almost full time (from home given the restrictions of COVID-19), co-caring for my elderly mum and all the domestic stuff that comes with a home, and so writing the blog was quite a task.

Then, within a few weeks, all changed. By the end of March my job was no more - my contract came to an end and the management decided they wanted to 're-map' my role, without discussion with me, to give me more responsibilities at a time, actually, when I was probably ready to work slightly less hours in a week. I tried to negotiate but it was not to be. I decided to step back and trust myself (and God) for the future.

It was my 'New Adventure' and, I have to admit, it was very stressful. But quite liberating as well!

Family commitments means that I'm not working full time ... but I've found a way of reinventing myself - again! I've done it before, and although it's not easy, I'm making a way through this confusing world.

I'm writing for a local magazine - RURAL, Jersey's Country Life magazine, which is fabulous because it means I get out and about to meet people and interview them. It's kept me in touch with the 'real' world outside my four walls. I also do some PR/communications work ... more to come next year including for organisations in the UK. I've been involved with some event management which was great fun. 

And I've written half a new book with my friend and co-author Debbie Duncan ... it's a book about Kindness which will be out in the summer/autumn of 2022.  We're just about to start working with the editor ... it's very exciting! It's not my first book, but the creation of something new is always an adventure!

I've not been entirely idle but my change of circumstances has meant that I have had more time to think about this One Day at a Time thing. I have managed to write this blog every single day, and the process has done just what I anticipated ... it's got me thinking and researching and ... writing. Every Day.

It's been an education. I've learned loads of stuff I never knew before, especially on days when I've tied the blog to an event which has happened on that day in history. Some days I've not had much time but I've been inspired to share images and sayings, and these have often challenged me and my thoughts and aspirations. I've found them helpful and doing this writing has really helped to keep me balanced, in my head and in my heart. 

I've spoken a bit about my mental health from time to time. I hope that's been ok. It's been quite a couple of years and that's been stressful. But this, and my family and friends and my Christian faith, has helped to keep me on the straight and narrow.

Every now and then I've struggled to come up with an idea for a day ... but then, almost miraculously, something has appeared in my head and heart, or I've been inspired by something I've read or watched or seen.  

Some of you have been on the journey with me and I want to say thanks for that.

Some of you have been kind enough to say that some of my daily posts have helped and even inspired you.

I'm glad I could help.

JUST WRITE new year  There's an image which I found a few years back and I chose as a thought for a new year ... and it's a simple inspiration and instruction for anyone who wants to be, or considers themselves to be, a writer.

Write ... write anything ... every day.

It's like praying ... just pray ... every day.

We all have something that means something to us ... and I encourage you to discover what that is and really keep at it. Persevere, practice and perfect. Find ways to encourage yourself in this next year, whatever it may bring. 

This year I have managed to write constructively every day and the blog has helped. And although the journey ends today, I will - of course - continue to write.

I'm still on social media including my Cathy Le Feuvre - Author Facebook page and Twitter and Instagram so if you fancy following those then please feel free.  I also have a few other incarnations ... like the Don't Forget to Say Thanks website, Facebook page and Twitter site. And down the line I'm sure they'll be something related to Kindness - as my new book is birthed!

I will still blog, and that will be back on my main website ... www.cathylefeuvre.com - Cathy's Home Page  - but not every single day. For now I'm stepping back from the daily blogging thing.

So - for one last time, at least on this blog - thanks for being with me this year. It's meant a lot that some of you have travelled this road with me.

And so I wish you a Happy New Year.

May you have what you dream of, may you stay safe, happy and healthy ... and may you find peace and joy.  Whatever that may mean for you.

Be blessed, and for the final time - Have a great day everyone!

Happy New Year




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