A Prayer for the New Year
Dec 30, 2021
Ok so something happened today which has never happened before.
I looked online for something to help us mark the coming New Year and I found THIS prayer ... one that I had written, with a picture I had taken!
I'd sort of forgotten I'd written this and made this picture, but here it is...
This prayer, with a photograph of sunset over St Aubin's Bay in Jersey in the Channel Islands was posted on another of my websites - a project called 'Don't Forget to Say Thanks' - on Jan 5 2015 and much has changed since then, but I think the prayer still stands.
We've experienced ... are still in the midst of ... a global pandemic these past two years or so, and the 'challenges' which I've faced this past year have been ... interesting.
If you've been reading this blog all year, you'll know that when I started it on January 1st 2021 I was working full time for the BBC and I wanted to encourage myself to write more. Come the end of March my life changed beyond recognition. My job was no more and I am back to freelance writing and broadcasting.... more about all that tomorrow on the final day of this 'One Day at a Time' blog! But I called it my 'New Adventure' which is interesting given the words in this prayer written quite a few years ago. Life IS an adventure though, don't you think?
It's been an unusual couple of years, being confined mostly to home and 'isolating' because of the COVID-19 virus and the fact that I co-care for my elderly Mum. But still, in all the confusion and upheaval, some sadness, and the distancing from friends especially as I haven't been able to leave the island of Jersey for almost 2 years, there have been many moments of joy, and experiences I can treasure.
So, despite the changed times since I wrote this, I'm still happy to post this as my 'New Year Prayer'.
And what I encourage YOU to do today is to maybe write your own prayer ... not just outlining what you are thankful for but also what you look forward to in 2022.
Sometimes writing it down helps. And the best thing about writing stuff down is that it's not set in stone.
You can change it.
The prayer is YOURS.
Do with it what you wish!
Oh, and if you wondering ... that 'Don't Forget to Say Thanks' project is something I started in August 2011. There's also an accompanying Facebook page and Twitter site.
It's a simple concept - it's just a place to be thankful, to show our appreciation and gratitude for people, places, stuff, faith, God ... whatever we like really.
I began this project when I was 'playing' with social media and websites and through their development I learnt so much about the way social media works and how it interlocks sometimes.
Some of the sites get more attention than others. I don't post all the time on the website - although this One Day at a Time blog has been posted every day on the website through the wonders of links with my other Facebook accounts. I occasionally post or share on the Facebook page and I note the Twitter site is sadly neglected.
Yesterday I talked about some of my New Year's resolutions. Maybe next year one of the things I will focus on is to post more and share more thankfulness.
And, as my New Year Prayer says, no matter what happens in life, there are always things to be thankful for, and I pray in anticipation and gratitude for everything God has in store for me in 2022.