Thankful Thursday
And .... breathe

Choose Well

How has your week been?

I know some of my blog friends will have had birthdays and anniversaries, some may have changed their jobs, or even moved home or made some decisions which will be life changing in the long run. A mixture of challenges and happiness ... that's life I guess.

I saw this picture and thought online and it reminded me that how I react to the stuff happening in my life is up to me. I can choose how I react to life's moments and what is thrown at me.

I've had a busy week - I've chosen that. But I have also allowed myself to get stressed out from time to time and that's also been a choice ... one that I've tried to quickly turn around.

As I've said a few times during this year of blogging so far, it's up to me whether I choose to remind myself of the positive  or prefer to fixate on the negative things I'm experiencing or the things I don't have rather than all the things and people I am blessed with.

So today I choose to accentuate the positive ... I determine to choose well.

Today I choose ... JOY!

Choose well


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